
Welcome to the Cryptid's den!

Use the navigation to the left to explore the site. As a warning, things are still a work in progress so not all pages are available or done.

Scroll down in this box to see the site's to do list and updates/changelogs.

To Do List:

  • Set up a guestbook
  • Compile some MORE cool links for the links page
  • Add to art page
  • Make more pages for OCs
  • Aquarium?

Changelog & Updates:

July 23th 2024

Made some layout changes, this site was originally made on a much smaller monitor and I've since swapped it out for a bigger one. Was previously copy pasting the same layout on each page, but now the site should act as a frame site.

Added a links and credits page. (Go check it out!)

OC thumbnails now have small animation when you hover over them.

Set up a guestbook! Feel free to stop by and say hi!

June 26th 2024

Howdy! Welcome to my den! Had been wanting to learn HTML and CSS for a while and had this site be my excuse to finally try to do so.

was going to put this little place up a bit eariler, but made a last minute decision to do some image optomizing before swapping the landing page. Images are shrunken down in the site but have a higher quality version when clicked on. Hopefully this will help with load times.